Sunday, 13 November 2016

Part 4: Social Change - "The Divine Plan"

1. Mashriqu'l Adhkár (Arabic: "Dawning Place of the Praise of God") by Julie Badiee and the Editors, The Bahá’í Encyclopedia Project:

2. "The Bahá’í House of Worship: Localisation and Universal form, by Graham Hassall:

3. 28 December Message from the Universal House of Justice (fragment):

4. "Changing Reality: the Bahá’í Community and the Creation of a New Reality" by Moojan Momen:

5. Book "Creating a New Mind" by Paul Lemple:

6. Book "Revelation and Social Reality. Learning to Translate What is Written into Reality" by Paul Lemple:

7. "The Process of Social Transformation" by Farzam Arbab:

8. "Social Action" prepared by the Office of Social and Economic Development at the Bahá’í World Centre:

9. Music Video "Youth Can Move the World" by Olinga Njang:

10. Video: "Frontiers of Learning" - a process of community building based on concepts enshrined in the Bahá’í Teachings, 2013: